Kyle and Tara Forever

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bonfire + Camping

We are planning a couple of extra outdoor activities on the wedding weekend - here's the scoop:

On Friday night, we are going to have a bonfire at Tara's parents' house. This will be a great time for all you out-of-town folks to stretch your legs and toast some marshmallows. Details to follow for this event.

On Saturday night, Tara and I plan to camp out on the farm after the wedding celebration. We invite you to join us! (Adults only, please.) If it rains, we can always pitch our tents under the big reception tent...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Reception Music: Submit Your Requests!

The reception at our wedding will be DJ'ed by Tara's trusty iBook. Tara and I have spent some time gathering music for the event, and I think we've gathered some great music so far. The general plan is to start with Motown and 60's stuff to get everyone dancing, throw in some 70's country and then disco as the night progresses, move to the 80's a bit later, and then finish the night off with some more recent material.

Our question for you is: what song will get YOU dancing at the reception? Post a comment or send an email to kyle2 at!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Invitations: Stamped and Printed

Tara and I just finished the bulk of production work on our invitations. All in all, it took about five hours: two for printing and three for stamping.

We printed the invites this morning at Maggie and Ben's house. A big thanks goes out to them for not only the use of their heavy-duty printer, but also for standing beside the printer and adding paper manually during the process. You see, the printer likes to have no less than three sheets of thick paper in its tray at any time. However, it will accept no more than eight. Any more and JAM! - no more printing. So Maggie, bless her heart, stood by the machine and carefully inserted fresh sheets as Mr. Printer blissfully chugged away.

Our stamps and paper were all purchased at The Paper Source, where they kindly educated us on the finer points of stamping. (The secret is to hold the stamp upside-down so you can see what you're doing as you add the ink.) Tara and I were very happy with the results - we hope you enjoy them when they arrive!